Monday, February 21, 2011

How to change front pad for corolla 2006 ce

Here is the procedure (see link [1]) I followed with few modifications:

1) Use C-Clamp (6-inch) to push the piston back to the its bore before you take off the old pads which makes the job easier;

2) Ture your wheel 100% to the right when working on passenger side and vise versa. Remember you don't turn the wheel when the car engine is not on to avoid wheel lock;

The tools I used for this job are listed as follows:
1) Jack, two Jack stands and two wheel chocks (use thick card bord or plywood plywood under the jack stand to protect the floor);
2) OEM wrench for lossen and special wrench with big socket (21mm) taking off the lug nuts;
3) torque and small wrench, socket (14mm or 9-1/6) to take off caliper bolts;
4) brush, CRC brake quiet and brake cleaner spray;
5) special wrench (with big socket 21mm ) for put the lug nuts back on
6) gloves (1 plastic and 1 cloth), PB Blaster, mirror, head light, wear out indicator clipper (maybe), wiping cloth, some old newspaper, metal wire to hang the caliper

Time for finish this job 4-6 hours providing all the tools are ready and no exception to the procedure.


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